Our members are leaders in the field of protecting vulnerable children.

The newly merged Brotherhood and COA and resulting new organization will convene and catalyze a dynamic, inclusive, multifaceted network of human/social services organizations that leverages the collective experience of the field and enquiry to spark a current in the sector and drive continuous evolution and improvement. Our goal is to activate the ability of the social sector and create a unified, intrepid, just, and purposeful network that propels our field forrard so all people can thrive. The new organization will provide a range of offerings and learnings to actively shape the future of the sector through public policy, advocacy, knowledge substitution, certification, accreditation, connection, and ongoing iterative and reflective interactions. Within Our Reach is an office established within the Brotherhood for Stiff Families and Communities to farther the recommendations of the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities. The goal of Within Our Reach is to equip policymakers, practitioners, and advocates with the tools they demand to fundamentally reform child welfare. Based on the commission's national strategy, desired reform includes a proactive public health approach—a shared family and community responsibility to go on children safe. Inside Our Reach is made possible through collaboration with Casey Family Programs, whose mission is to provide, improve, and prevent the need for foster care.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of 67,000 pediatricians, pediatric medical sub-specialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to attaining optimal physical, mental, and social wellness and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. AAP supports the professional needs of its nearly 70,000 members in various means, including through instruction, policy, and advancement back up. Since 1930 the AAP has been advocating and working to address wellness care access finer, health disparities, and social determinants of health, and continues to exercise to this day.

Safety, permanency, and well-existence are the critical precepts that guide the work and mission of the child welfare system and is why pediatricians play an important part in advocating for child welfare policies that will best address the needs of children, youth, and families. For years, AAP'due south Council on Kid Abuse and Neglect and the Quango on Foster Care, Adoption and Kinship Care have provided their expertise, back up, and technical assistance to inform central kid welfare legislation, such as the AAP-supported Family First Prevention Services Act. Pediatricians bring a unique voice to the child welfare policy conversation considering their expertise allows them to: 1) speak to the science of child development; 2) emphasize the long-term wellness implications that adverse babyhood experiences have on children; and 3) advocate for a variety of wellness intendance needs of children and youth.

The AAP is committed to working collaboratively with other child welfare stakeholders to serve as effectively as possible as a champion for solid kid welfare policies that ensure all children, youth, and families take access to the resources they need to succeed.


The American Bar Clan Center on Children and the Constabulary improves children'south lives through advances in law, justice, knowledge, practice and public policy.  The Center is a full-service technical aid, training, and enquiry program addressing a broad spectrum of constabulary and court-related topics affecting children.

The American Psychological Association (APA) is the leading scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the United States, with more 118,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members.


The American Professional Society on the Corruption of Children (APSAC), now in partnership with The New York Foundling, was founded in 1987, is a nonprofit national organization focused on meeting the needs of professionals engaged in all aspects of services for maltreated children and their families. The mission of APSAC is to improve lodge's response to the abuse and neglect of its children by promoting effective interdisciplinary approaches to identification, intervention, treatment and prevention of child maltreatment.

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Eye for Children and Family Futures (CCFF) strives to prevent child abuse and neglect while improving equitable prophylactic, permanency, well-being and recovery outcomes for all children, parents and families affected by trauma, substance use and mental health disorders. Through this grant, we are committed to building upon our existing services, infrastructure, and strategic efforts, including operating the National FTC Training and Technical Assist (TTA) Program under the Office of Juvenile Justice and Malversation Prevention (OJJDP), the National Centre on Substance Abuse and Kid Welfare (NCSACW), and the National Quality Improvement Center for Collaborative Community Courtroom Teams (QIC-CCCT). CCFF provides family-centered preparation and technical aid (TTA) that focuses on infants, children, youth, adolescents, parents, family unit members, and the family as a unit who are affected by substance use and mental disorders. CCFF delivers specialized TTA at the intersections amidst child welfare, mental health, substance use disorder handling, and court systems.

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Founded by Sara O'Meara and Yvonne Fedderson in 1959, Childhelp® has brought the light of hope and healing into the lives of more than than 11 1000000 children as a leading national nonprofit organization defended to helping abused, neglected and at-risk children. Childhelp's programs and services include residential handling, children'due south advocacy centers, therapeutic foster intendance, group homes and child corruption prevention, education and preparation. The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline serves children and adults nationwide 24/7 through phone, text and online chat at ane-800-4-A-CHILD and ChildhelpHotline.org. For more than information, visit www.childhelp.org and follow Childhelp at facebook.com/childhelp, instagram.com/childhelp and twitter.com/childhelp.

The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) is a powerful coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies that since 1920 has worked to serve children and families who are vulnerable. Our expertise, leadership and innovation on policies, programs, and practices help improve the lives of millions of children across the state. Our affect is felt worldwide.

Our focus is children and youth who may have experienced abuse, fail, family disruption, or a range of other factors that jeopardize their safety, permanence, or well-beingness. CWLA also focuses on the families, caregivers, and the communities that treat and support these children. CWLA delivers artistic, practical, direction-focused and do-oriented consultation and technical assistance to help kid serving organizations and entities in the public and private sector accomplish improve outcomes for children.

Based at the nonprofit University of San Diego (USD) School of Law since 1989, the Children's Advocacy Plant (CAI) is the nation's premiere academic, research, and advocacy organisation working to improve the lives of children and youth, with special accent on improving the child protection, dependency courtroom, and foster care systems and improving outcomes for youth aging out of foster intendance and other transition age youth populations. CAI's academic program trains law students to be effective child advocates through noun courses and clinical opportunities that allow them to represent the interests of children and youth earlier all branches of government, and to help CAI put important issues on the public agenda. Through its offices in San Diego, Sacramento, and Washington, D.C., CAI's research and advocacy component seeks to leverage change for children and youth through touch litigation, regulatory and legislative advocacy, and public education. Active primarily at the country and federal levels, CAI's efforts are multi-faceted — comprehensively and successfully embracing all tools of public interest advocacy to improve the lives of children and youth.

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As the national membership organization for state children's trust funds, the Children's Trust Fund Alliance'south mission is to provide supports, resource and peer connections to children's trust funds across the land. The Brotherhood is a national thought and implementation leader in strengthening families and communities, preventing kid corruption and neglect, building partnerships with parents, promoting parent voices regarding policies and practices and helping systems and services incorporate a strengths-based protective factors approach. Nosotros piece of work across the social ecology and appoint with parents and community members as partners to ensure various perspectives are recognized and valued.

The Alliance provides training and technical assist regarding partnering with parents, including training in "Better Together" and "Strategic Sharing". We have worked with CBCAP state lead agencies and numerous other state systems to assistance them develop and support formal parent advisory councils. The Alliance supports multiple networks of parents (the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council, The Nascency Parent National Network and the Nascency and Foster Parent Partnership) and helps build linkages between parents and policymakers. Our website is a source of publications, videos and social media-set materials that parents have developed to promote the protective factors and how they assistance strengthen families.

With the goal of infusing systems and staff with skills to help families build strong protective factors, the Alliance'south nationally recognized training on the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework, Bringing the Protective Factors to Life in Your Work, is available free of accuse as an online interactive training. CEUs are bachelor for a small fee. In addition, the Alliance's intensive virtual grooming of trainers has resulted thus far in more than ane,500 Brotherhood Certified Trainers across the US who are using our curriculum (videos, audios, powerpoints, training manuals, training tools and other materials). This curriculum focuses on training those who work with families to best assist parents build their ain family's protective factors and incorporates a strengths-based approach, paired with respect for cultural differences. The Alliance's national training, technical aid and collaborative consultation are designed to strengthen communities, programs, and systems.

Founded in 1978, Committee for Children (Cfc) is a global nonprofit dedicated to fostering the safety and well-existence of children through teaching and advocacy. We work on the federal, state, and local level to prevent child abuse, bullying, and violence, and to encourage teaching social-emotional skills to children and youth.  Our research-based social-emotional learning curricula are used in over 26,000 schools in 70 countries and have helped close to 11 million children.  CFC created 1 of the first prevention curricula for child sexual abuse.

The Family Focused Handling Clan (FFTA), is the leading abet for the development, evaluation, recognition, and funding of family unit-focused treatment services for children and youth with social, emotional, behavioral, developmental, or medical needs. FFTA's mission is to strengthen agencies that provide treatment family care services, whether those services are provided in handling foster care, kinship, adoptive or birth families. FFTA supports its membership of nearly 500 organizations past advocating for treatment family care nationally; promoting program standards; providing resources, technical assistance and professional evolution opportunities; encouraging enquiry and evaluation; and inspiring the development of evidence-informed practices. Visit www.ffta.org.

Futures Without Violence is a national advocacy, training and social change organization working to violence against women and children in the United States and globally. Based in San Francisco, with offices in Washington DC and Boston, FUTURES works to strengthen families and communities to reduce violence, assist victims heal and thrive  and promote salubrious and respectful relationships. We focus on two-generation approaches that address prevention and services to heal victims of domestic and dating violence, sexual set on, child abuse and youth violence.

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership system of professional social workers in the earth, with 132,000 members. NASW works to raise the professional person growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to accelerate sound social policies on a broad assortment of topics including child welfare. Historically, social workers have played critical roles in serving the most vulnerable children, youth and families.

The National Center for State Courts is an independent non-profit corporation with the mission to improve the assistants of justice through leadership and service to country courts and to justice systems around the earth. Founded by the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) in 1971, the NCSC is the pre-eminent judicial reform arrangement in the U.s. and a national and global leader in helping courts improve the administration of justice and delivery of services.

The NCSC is defended to modernizing court operations and improving justice at the state and local level throughout the country. By functioning equally an extension of the land courts, the NCSC acts equally a focal point for judicial modernization, serves as a catalyst for implementing standards of fair and expeditious judicial administration, and helps decide and disseminate solutions to the problems of individual courts and state judicial systems.

The NCSC'south piece of work includes providing information, technical help, and consulting services to courts and other interested parties, and conducting research and evaluations in all areas of performance of the courts. The NCSC provides straight court consulting services to courts in gild to meliorate court direction operation across a broad spectrum of topical areas, including strategic planning, courtroom leadership, caseload management, financial management, technology management, human resources, facilities, court security, jury management, and access to justice. No organization in the nation is more knowledgeable about how courts work and the application of modern management principles to court leadership, organization, and operations than the NCSC.

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The National Court Appointed Special Abet/Guardian advert Litem (CASA/GAL) Association for Children, together with its 948 state and local member programs, supports and promotes courtroom-appointed volunteer advocacy then that every child who has experienced abuse or neglect tin be safe, have a permanent home and accept the opportunity to thrive.

Appointed past judges, highly-trained CASA/GAL volunteers advocate in court for the best interests of children and youth, many of whom are in foster care. They work with legal and child welfare professionals, educators and service providers to ensure that judges have all the data they need to brand the most well-informed decisions for each child.

Children assigned to a CASA/GAL volunteer tend to involve the about serious cases of maltreatment, in which the children are more than at hazard. CASA/GAL volunteers identify, recommend and ensure children receive the services that volition back up their well-being.  On average, a CASA/GAL volunteer remains with a kid for 18 months or until the case comes to a conclusion. In some cases, the CASA/GAL volunteer may remain with a child from early on childhood through their transition to adulthood.

Nationwide, more than 96,000 CASA/GAL volunteers serve 276,000 children and youth involved in the child welfare system. For the past decade, CASA/GAL volunteers have donated virtually lx million hours advocating on behalf of children who have experienced corruption or neglect. Clickhere to read more than nigh the National CASA/GAL Cadre Model and the role of a volunteer.

National CASA/GAL leads the continued growth and evolution of its extensivenational network of CASA/GAL programs, each of which recruits, trains and supports volunteers.  Through a competitive grants programme, National CASA/GAL awards funds to programs to build capacity, provides significant staff and volunteer training resource and provides ongoing technical help utilizing industry best practices regardless of program size. The organisation too raises awareness of the needs of children and families in the child welfare system and the piece of work of volunteer advocates across the country.

National CASA/GAL requires that all volunteers are thoroughly screened and participate in a minimum of 30 hours of pre-service training congenital on real-world case studies, roofing the part of the volunteer in court, child evolution bug, trauma-informed care and bias awareness, among other topics. National CASA/GAL also provides training to our member network of state organizations and local programs that include pre-service training of facilitators and a racial and ethnic identity curriculum.

In 2022, National CASA will celebrate 40 years of providing best-interest advocacy on behalf of children and youth. The positive bear upon of a CASA or GAL volunteer can truly alter a kid's story. To learn more about National CASA/GAL, visitnationalcasagal.org or follow u.s. on Facebook atfacebook.com/NationalCASAGAL and@NationalCASAGAL on Twitter  and Instagram .


National Children's Alliance (NCA) is the national association and accrediting body for Children'south Advocacy Centers (CACs).  Formed in 1988, NCA has been providing support, technical assistance, and quality assurance for CACs, while serving every bit a voice for abused children for more than 25 years.  A children'due south advocacy center is a child-friendly facility in which police force enforcement, kid protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advancement professionals work together to investigate abuse, help children heal from abuse, and concord offenders accountable.

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The National Family Back up Network (NFSN) promotes positive outcomes for all children, families, and communities past leveraging the collective impact of state networks and championing quality family support and strengthening practices and policies. NFSN is a membership-based arrangement which currently has 29 member networks, comprised of more than than 3,000 Family Support and Strengthening organizations, representing the great geographical and demographic diversity of the nation.

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The National Foundation to Finish Child Abuse and Neglect's vision is to cease child corruption and neglect in our lifetime. It volition exercise so past changing the perception of child corruption and neglect in our country as social and legal problems, to besides being health, mental health and public health problems that can be treated. The Foundation'due south goal is likewise to work with others to dramatically aggrandize funding for research, training, and prevention.


Since 1969, Parents Anonymous Inc. has implemented a strengths-based model of kid abuse and neglect prevention serving millions of parents, caregivers and children of all ages in diverse communities worldwide.

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Prevent Child Abuse America is a nonprofit defended to promoting services that improve child well-being in all fifty states and developing programs that help to forestall all types of abuse and neglect.

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The Ray E. Helfer Society, founded in 1999 and named in laurels of Dr. Ray E. Helfer, was originally established as an honorary society of physicians seeking to provide medical leadership regarding the prevention, diagnosis, handling and enquiry apropos child abuse and neglect. It has grown to be the master sub-specialty social club for physicians devoted to the problem of maltreated children.

Our Vision: Children will thrive in a society that values them.

Our Mission: To help foreclose and reduce the harm resulting from kid maltreatment, by advancing the work of physicians in the areas of pedagogy, clinical intendance, research and advocacy.


Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is a organisation of evidence-based parenting interventions committed to supporting all parents at the correct amount, time, and place with physical strategies to build strong relationships, promote kid well-being, and confidently manage every day and more than circuitous parenting challenges. Triple P is one of only ii parenting programs identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as being supported by the strongest evidence for a parenting programme's ability to forbid child maltreatment and the only parenting support model to show community-wide effects on reducing child maltreatment, foster intendance placements, and physical injuries due to child maltreatment seen in emergency rooms. We work in partnership to build strong networks that provide families with supports aimed at strengthening communities so that all children, parents, and families are thriving, resilient and reaching their total potential.

Within Our Reach is an office established within the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and Council on Accreditation to further the recommendations of the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Fail Fatalities. Within Our Reach is fabricated possible through collaboration with Casey Family Programs, whose mission is to provide, improve—and ultimately prevent the need for—foster care.  The goal of Within Our Reach is to equip policymakers, practitioners, and advocates with the tools they need to fundamentally reform child welfare.


Zero to Three (ZTT) works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are disquisitional to their well-being and development.  ZTT's mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong showtime in life.