Obama Protest Sign Saying Don't Separate Our Families

The effect of waste sorting and recycling is not taken seriously in Russia; mixing a assistant peel and a plastic bottle seems to be no big deal! Nonetheless, the issues caused by a lack of attention to recycling are much more important than at commencement glance.

Over the by several weeks, the city of Volokolamsk nigh Moscow has seen protests against a nearby garbage dump, with residents complaining about the unbearable smell from the landfill. Until the centre of 2010, only local garbage was transported hither, only its capacity has increased 10 times. In 2013, there were 39 such landfills in the Moscow Region, but most were closed, some after complaints from locals. Now in that location are 15 landfills in the region, and information technology's promised that they will be reclaimed past 2026 in guild to reduce the negative affect on the surroundings, co-ordinate to Russian media. But what to exercise with the garbage?

People take part in a protest demanding the closure of the Yadrovo solid waste landfill in Volokolamsk, Moscow Region.

Ecologists estimate that the volume of garbage in major Russian cities is growing every twelvemonth, and in three years all current landfills in Russia might reach capacity. In many countries waste product separation and recycling have long been the norm, but in Russia most waste is dumped into landfills or incinerated. According to Russian media, citing the Natural Resources Ministry, in 2016 only ix percent of solid waste dumped in landfills was recycled, and another 2.4 percentage of garbage was destroyed at incineration plants.

Employees of the Yadrovo solid waste dumping grounds in the Moscow Region put soil on the grounds to neutralize unpleasant smells.

At the end of 2017, President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the separation of waste product, which obliges regional authorities to coordinate the location of garbage dumps with residents, likewise as to prepare sorting stations and to determine what waste matter to recycle. The law is taking full strength in 2019. Even today, however, in some areas of the Moscow Region split up waste containers are installed for recycling (newspaper, plastic and glass) and for organic waste product.

Currently, in that location are several recycling enterprises near Moscow, and in 2018 the first project for the processing of organic waste will be launched. In addition, volunteer organizations help to collect garbage for recycling in different cities (for example, here). Only the culture of recycling depends non simply on the authorities. Are Russian citizens ready to sort their garbage to aid the surround?

Russians attitudes toward waste material sorting

"If we desire to be a civilized state, we should rationally manage environmental issues," says Olga Ruzanova from Moscow, who works as a marketing managing director. "I divide waste when in that location are special containers, simply and so far there are few."

"It'due south a good thought to dissever and recycle garbage, but information technology should be organized by the state. You should be able to throw out the trash with several different containers available for sorting. But nosotros don't have this," says Moscow blogger Daria Sokolova. "For instance, you tin can bring used batteries to IKEA, which is far from where I live. And so, should I hold on to them for months? I don't; being green requires much fourth dimension and effort. When this volition be possible without much effort, then I'll be happy to do so."

A resident of the Mytischi town, Moscow Region, throws a battery in a disposal box for energy-saving light bulbs, batteries and thermometers.

"I know that in landfills the garbage is ordinarily sorted manually, and at the very least they select metals or items that can be recycled," says Maria Kozhevnikova, a PR manager in Moscow. "In fact, you just need to go further: automate the sorting, and apply it to all types of garbage. At the very to the lowest degree, organic waste material can be disposed of without polluting the environment."

"I only throw away batteries and energy-saving lamps into special containers," Maria adds. "Many times I've seen a garbage truck drive upward to separate containers for collecting glass, plastic and food waste, and and so mix up the heap."

"I call up sorting and recycling are great, but many people expect something from the state, and they practise non want to change anything," says Moscow designer Victoria Chimakadze. "Here's some other problem – garbage at the dacha where at that place are no garbage containers. And then, many people exit the trash in a nearby wood. Many Muscovites don't see garbage because information technology'south outside the urban center. It's a disaster."

Offset with yourself?

"I collect paper, drinking glass, metal and plastic bottles, and accept them to recycling stations every 1-4 months," says Elena Bobrova, a announcer and tourist guide in Leningrad. "Of course, a waste matter separation system is necessary. But you lot realize it only when y'all outset sorting yourself. You won't believe that one person can leave so many plastic bottles! The organization volition work only if the state will have a programme to popularize sorting. Simply before that, we need at to the lowest degree to educate people not to litter. Unfortunately, information technology seems that we demand to beginning with this."

Volunteers collect garbage on the shore of the Lake Baikal at the Murino settlement.

"Yous can alter the situation in the land by starting with yourself; there's no other way," says Tamara Grigorieva, a teacher in Moscow. "It is possible to increase personal responsibility, to instruct children and to discuss with friends: why it's important not to throw cigarette butts on the footing, what to do with plastic bags, and then on."

"Many years ago in Germany they too didn't divide waste, merely at present a new generation has grown up: they don't know any other fashion, and they've learned to care for the environment, people and animals. I likewise wish that nosotros had time for this. Today, you can find a place where to hand in used batteries, and nosotros do this in my family unit. Also, you can go to the store with a fabric handbag, and when there will exist containers for different types of garbage we will sort it. Fortunately, the international experience of recycling is applicable to Russia," Tamara believes.

"By the mode, in Cairo, there is a urban center of scavengers: thousands of people sort garbage manually, receiving coin for information technology. They understand that it'due south necessary. In Kingdom of norway and Sweden, if I'm not mistaken, at that place is a shortage of garbage: information technology's all processed into energy. Sometimes in that location's not enough and the waste material is imported from neighboring countries. I recollect this is very inspiring."

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Source: https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/327957-russians-ready-separate-waste

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