How Do I Upload a Pdf to Ctm

Interactive - Electronic Contracts
CTM eContracts are fully interactive contracts allowing participants to interact with each other in real time avoiding the need for faxes.
CTM Web Signature
Agents can email contracts to be signed online with a secure CTM Spider web Signature. Therefore, avoiding the need to send faxes back and forth by using this unique web signature. At that place is no demand to purchase any hardware.

Participants in the transaction can easily sign documents with a Mouse, Digital Pen, Signature Pad, Tablet Pencil, Tablet PC, or a Graphics Tablet.

Afterward the participant has signed the document and has clicked save, a confirmation window will appear request the user to Have or Decline the signature. Once accepted, the signature will be embedded into the contract and the contracts will be LOCKED, the contract cannot be modified.

eSignature File:
Agents can upload or create their eSignature File and so they can add it to new contracts to exist created. Signature Notification:
The agent will receive an e-mail every time a contract is signed indicating the signer proper name, document name, property address and engagement-time of the signature. The Colorado Real Estate Committee indicates that electronic signatures are legitimate as long every bit the parties agree to receive an electronic signature.
CTM Unmarried Point Of Data Entry
CTM Software Technology features Single Indicate of Data Entry: which never enters the same data twice.
CTM Detail Dashboard
The CTM Detail Dashboard helps the user access and navigate the post-obit features.

The application displays detailed data for a specific property. Agents tin access all contracts/documents related to 1 property.

Automobile populates contract info when placing a championship order.

Displays the status of contract deadlines. Overdue deadlines are displayed in red. Upload whatever document related to a transaction.

Documents can be easily emailed to any participants in the transaction.

Collect all endmost data and calculate commissions. Record and share transaction notes with squad members.

Summarize and display all information info within the total written report. Generate Holiday Notices

CTM Principal Dashboard
The CTM Main Dashboard helps you navigate and view data for all contracts and allows access to the eCalendar. It also monitors contract deadlines for all your contracts; displaying them in calendar format.
Clients Database
Manage all your clients in i centralized database. The client database allows you to car populate a contract with all client information:
Enter new clients; Import clients from Top Producer� or MS Outlook�
Export clients
Fix birthday and personal reminders
Type clients notes
Organize clients past type
Like shooting fish in a barrel Referral Notes
Create Labels
Title Order - TBD -O&E
Order title electronically. Automobile populate contract data when placing title orders. Monitor your society condition and receive open up title documents.
This electronic calendar can be emailed to participants. It is a "real time" transaction calendar. Any deadline alter will be automatically reflected in the eCalendar, even after the information has been emailed. This feature keeps participants informed with the process of the transaction.
eCalendar All Contracts
This Calendar displays the status of contract deadlines for all transactions. The calender tin be accessed from the Main Dashboard. Contract Piece of cake Access: Click on the property address above the deadline and information technology will open the CTM Dashboard item for that item property.
Contracts Deadlines Monitoring
The system keeps track of all contract deadlines for all contracts. When a "contract to buy and sell" is created, the system will automatically continue rail of all contract deadlines. This feature is also available for Listing Contracts.
Closing MLS Info
Calculate Committee Breakup, Calculate agent payments, Referral, Broker fee, Office Expenses, Transaction Coordinator, Office Unpaid Bills and Commission Accelerate. Add custom commission items. This screen will assist agents to close a file, the system will bespeak if the transaction is missing any information required past the Brokerage Firm or MLS. Double Sided transaction.
Document Management
Secure and complete Document Management. All PDF listing and sale documents are uploaded to the system allowing agents and transaction coordinators to view or email them to other participants in the transaction. Build your company's electronic documents arcade. Documents Format: The organisation supports any type of format PDF, Md, TIF, etc. Find out which transactions are missing documents.
Clause Editor
Create standard or custom clauses and add together them to the contracts with just one click.  Add multiple clauses simultaneously feature.
Agent Vacation Schedule
Agents tin can generate or email holiday notices for clients. While on vacation, y'all can allow other agents to manage your business organisation automatically.
Bulletin System
A powerful message organization allows users to communicate efficiently.
Transaction Log Notes
Every CTM Task includes a Log-Notes box which allows participants to type any note related to the particular job. A consummate transaction log tin be accessed from the detail dashboard.
Squad Members
The organization will let agents to piece of work with other agents every bit team members, sharing information, delegating tasks, etc.

Assistants, transaction coordinators and other agents can be set to share contracts, documents, etc.

Enables Team Members to share information with or consul tasks to other agents, transaction coordinators or to other parties.


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